New Preventive Measures at the Vihara for April

New Preventive Measures at the Vihara for April

In an effort to safeguard the well-being of the resident monks and the community, the Vihara is extending the preventive measures taken previously.


1. No classes or services will be held at the Vihara during April

2. Sri Lankan New Year festival and the food fair planned for April 19th has been cancelled.

3. Other than for exceptional reasons, visiting the Vihara will not be encouraged. If any of you expect to visit, please call 713 944 1334.

4. Dayaka families of the monthly Dana list are requested not to bring cooked or raw food until April 15th. Depending on the situation in mid-April, we will either continue with this decision or change it. The monks will prepare the Dana, and they have enough stocks of all raw food.

5. Daily chanting to bless the community will continue without participants from outside. Resident monks will chant everyday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Please note that these measures are for the month of April only. We do not know what the trend of the country will be. Depending on how things turn out to be, we will inform you later.
May you stay well and healthy!